The third Sunday of Advent is known as Gaudete Sunday, the Latin word for rejoicing or being filled with great joy. The rose colored candle on the Advent wreath is lit, signaling that our focus for the rest of Advent is about how we can become a more joyful people. This can be difficult at times with all the negative things going on around us. But Jesus Christ conquers all those things, so our focus is on the positive and beautiful things Jesus can and does for us. St. John the Baptist reminds the people that there is one mightier than he coming, who will baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire. So, follow the instructions of being charitable toward others, caring for the needs of others around us, and sharing from the gifts God has bestowed upon us. These actions make Christ present and alive to not only ourselves but for those who need to experience Him in their lives. Let us be so moved to cry out with joy and gladness, sharing the message of joy and hope that come from Jesus Christ.