St. Paul tells us to compete well for the faith and to lay hold to eternal life, the promise we were given through our Baptism. These two things are possible if we pursue righteousness, devotion, faith, love, patience and gentleness says St. Paul. Jesus again uses a parable to teach us about how we are called to live the life of faith. The rich man lives and eats well and overlooks the obvious person in need lying at his doorway, Lazarus. When they both die, the poor man is taken by angels to a good place but the rich one went to the netherworld and was experiencing torment. The rich man begs for a drop of water and for God to send someone to his father’s house to warn his brothers to change their lives and avoid the torment. But was told that even sending someone from the dead to his brothers, they will not listen. This is why God the Father sent His son, Jesus Christ into this world, to change our hearts and to do what is right in the sight of God. Yet we too, have not always listened and have not helped the poor or those most in need but turned away with a blind eye. The Church has always been a place to secure the needs of others, especially when we live out our lives allowing the love of God to pour out from us upon those who are in most need.