In the Gospel today Jesus tells a parable about a fg tree that is not bearing fruit, so the man tells his gardener that afer three years there has not been fruit on this fg tree, so cut it down as it is exhausting the soil. The gardener responds by saying let me cultivate the ground and fertilize it and if no fruit is produced then the tree will be cut down. This cultivating of the soil and fertilizing it is the reality of what Jesus was trying to explain to the people regarding repentance of their sins. Having our sins removed through the Sacrament of confession; cultivates and fertilizes our souls, so that during our life we will be able to bear great fruit for God in our words and actions. St. Paul was reminding the Corinthians, that all are called to drink from the spiritual rock, that is Jesus. Yet it is our sinfulness that takes us away from that strength and goodness that Jesus provides for us. In the confessing of our sins, the graces of God that He pours upon us in our lives become the means of greatness. Moses is called by God to be His spokesperson, God gets Moses’ attention by speaking to him in a fre faming out of a bush, though the bush does not burn up. God tells Moses his strength to do the work of God will be there just as it was for Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. God reveals to Moses that He is the great “I AM” the holy name of God and Moses will be speaking for God at His command. God still speaks to us; may we hear His voice and confess with our hearts.