Each of us knows we need to go to the dentist on a regular basis because doing so is good for our health. But for some people including myself, we find it preferable to postpone making an appointment even though we know deep down we should not wait for a year or more between each visit to the dentist. Going to Confession can be like going to the dentist - it can be easy to put off and the devil makes sure that we find it ever so easy to find all sorts of reasons not to go Confession. For example, embarrassment about our sins or the fear of saying out loud our sins in front of the priest.
Confessing our sins to a priest who is acting in
Persona Christi is a dress rehearsal for the time when we die and see Jesus face to face. While in the confessional, we can simply visualize it is Jesus who is seated in front of us. I think it makes a lot of sense to get accustomed to telling Jesus we are sorry while we are still alive here on Earth and can make amends.
I hear a lot of people say they can just tell God they are sorry and they don't have to confess their sins to a priest. It is a very good practice to tell God we are sorry for what we've done, especially just before we go to bed, but doing so is not a replacement for going to Confession.
In John 20:19-23 Jesus tells his apostles, "Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them." That statement is huge! Through the Catholic Church, the priest to whom you and I are confessing our sins to has the power to forgive ours sins...because God Himself said so! THIS is WHY we need to go to the priest for our confessions. And how refreshing! To be able to say OUT LOUD our sins and to say we are sorry for them, and then to hear the priest say you and I are forgiven, that process is SO freeing and our burden is lifted!
So how does going to Confession help one fight fear? I think this is an important question because there's never been a shortage of fear during the entire history of humanity up to our current day. Let's look at how Confession can help.
When you and I confess our sins in the Sacrament of Confession we are at the feet of Jesus in humility.
With humility comes trust in God and His infinite Mercy.
With trust comes confidence in God and what He tells us in Scripture and through His Church.
With confidence comes the realization we need not fear of what is happening or may happen in our lives, in our families, our community, our country, or in the world.
With lack of fear we begin to accept the reality our lives are short, we really are not in control, things will happen to us, but God knows what we are experiencing, and best of all, knowing we'll spend eternity with Him if we just stay close to Him and His Catholic Church while we are still here on Earth.
On a frequent basis you and I need to ask ourselves when was the last time we went to Confession and then if it's been a while, make it a point to go ASAP, and then keep going on a regular basis. The consequences are eternal.
Confession is available at Christ the King Church every Saturday 3:10-4:10 pm, before daily Masses, and by appointment. Check the websites of other parishes for their Confession times if you need a time that works better with your schedule. Like the dentist appointment, lets not delay.