Sirach is reminding the people he is speaking to and us that we are called to choose to follow God’s commandments and laws, while God allows us to make bad choices, choices of sin and evil over good. If we choose to follow God’s ways, they will save us and if we trust in God we shall live. Placed before us is life and death, good and evil, and whichever is chosen shall be given to us. But the Wisdom of God is much greater than our human wisdom, for God knows what is best and good for us from the beginning of time. Jesus didn’t come to abolish the established laws of God or change His commandments. Jesus came to uphold and make known to us the great desires of God, that He has for each of us. With faith in Jesus Christ as our foundation, then it is a bit easier to make the right and good choices in life. But when we decide against God and think we know better, then we need to repent of our sinfulness and get back on the right path. How blessed are we who follow the laws of the Lord!