It was a good thing that Moses would intercede for the people before God. God wanted nothing more than the people to live in His love, but they so ofen turned away from God stirring up His wrath against them. But Moses, thankfully, would convince God to hold back on His wrath and not destroy them, giving them another chance. For us, God’s love that comes through His Son, Jesus Christ, is what we hear in the parables Jesus uses to teach His disciples, the people, and us. The shepherd going to fnd his one lost sheep, the woman searching for her lost coin and they then want to rejoice with their friends and family on fnding these things. Jesus came to search out the lost people of God and to bring them back into a renewed relationship with God. God’s overwhelming love for His children is what the parable of the prodigal son is all about. That we can make a mess of our lives at times but when we come back to our right senses and recognize that we need God in our lives, then God the Father welcomes us back and forgives us. May we strive to remain close always to Jesus and experience the great love of God through the Sacrament of Reconciliation.