Leprosy was and is a horrible looking and debilitating disease and people who had it were outcasts in the eyes of those around them, in fact, they were shunned from being around others. Our world still has many types of illnesses and diseases that some people push those that have them away. But Jesus draws these people to Him, as they have come to know that He has the power to heal them. So, like the man in today’s Gospel, who comes and kneels before Jesus begging Him, “If You wish, You can make me clean.” Jesus takes pity for the man and sees his great faith displayed before Him and so He does make the man clean and builds up the faith within him. We too, come before Jesus and present ourselves to be made clean, that is free of sin in the Sacrament of Confession. Jesus does wish to make our souls clean again, so we can better follow Him and carry out the works He asks of us. As the season of Lent begins this week with Ash Wednesday, resolve to follow the disciplines of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving in your life and to take time to celebrate the Sacraments in which Jesus Christ comes to us and refreshes our mind, body, and soul.