God’s people had killed off all of God’s prophets except for Elijah because they didn’t want to listen to them, and Elijah is now fleeing for his life and stops in the desert to beg God to take his life, for he felt he could no longer go on. But God had other plans, as we know, and Elijah was provided for and got himself to the mountain that God asked him to go to so He could reveal Himself to him and then have him carry on the work that God wanted him to do. The Jews were murmuring about Jesus and how could He have come down from heaven, since they knew His family. But Jesus stands His ground and tells them that no one can go to the Father unless they are drawn to the Father by the One the Father had sent to them. The believers will have eternal life through Jesus, for He is the bread of life and will feed them and teach them. Jesus is the living bread come down from heaven and whoever eats that bread will live forever, for it is Jesus’ flesh given for the life of the world. May we all truly believe and live! Peace in these days, Fr. Fred