In Mark’s Gospel today, we hear of how Jesus and His disciples have gotten into a boat and are crossing the Sea of Galilee when a violent wind swept over the sea and was tossing their boat and filling it with water, all the while Jesus was sleeping. The disciples awaken Jesus and ask why He doesn’t care if they perish. Jesus then quiets the sea and asks why the disciples were so afraid and had no faith. What Jesus is really saying here is, I am with you in the boat and would never let anything happen to you, as long as they believe in Him. He proves to them that He is indeed the Son of God by His actions of calming the waves and the wind, and their belief grows stronger in Jesus. This is also true in our own lives. We are often thrown about by the waves of many things we encounter in our world, often these things take us away from our trust in Jesus. But Jesus never leaves us to perish. He is always there to lift us up and keep us going in the right direction. It is through our participation in the Holy Mass and the Sacraments that we encounter the closeness and care of Jesus each day. Always stay close to Jesus! Blessings upon all fathers this Father’s Day weekend, may St. Joseph strengthen you in your vocation. Blessings, Fr. Fred