Midway through our Lenten journey the Church celebrates Laetare Sunday, the Sunday that starts us toward a great preparation for rejoicing in the presence of our Risen Lord at Easter. Jesus encounters a man born blind and there is much debate as to how it was caused, either by his parent’s sins or by his own. But Jesus dismisses these inquiries and simply says that this man was born into darkness of sin but is now prepared to be a child of the real Light, Jesus Christ. Jesus cures this man’s blindness, but also opens his heart to the truth of God’s goodness and desire for all His children to be children of the Light. This man comes to believe and so can we! This is how St. Paul reminds us to be seen, as children of the Light and to leave our lives of darkness and sin behind and to walk with Jesus, who is our light. The Lord God was prepared to have Samuel anoint the new king that He had chosen from the sons of Jesse. As each son came forward they were seen and judged by human eyes and not the sight of God. Thus those presented to Samuel were not the one chosen and so Samuel had to ask Jesse if there were any other sons, in which Jesse said he had one other, David. When David came into the presence of Samuel, it became obvious to him that this was the one to be anointed the new king. Samuel’s eyes were opened to see as God sees, this is our desire as well and through our Lenten disciplines it can happen.