The Psalmist tells us that “The Lord has revealed to the nations His saving power.” The saving power from God the Father comes to all people by way of Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son, who suffered, died and has risen from the dead for our salvation. As Jesus laid down His life for us, His friends, all out of love, we are called to follow His example by loving our neighbor and living in the love of God more fully. God is love, and we cannot love unless we too have been filled with the love that God has poured out upon us. Living the Commandments of God is the way we live in the love of God, for the Commandments help to fulfill our lives of love of God and neighbor. Peter is filled with love, as he goes about proclaiming Jesus to all and how the Holy Spirit enlivens the hearts of the people as they are baptized into the love of the Father. May we grow more fully in the love of God! Just a note: in our Diocese the Ascension is celebrated next Sunday, not on this coming Thursday. Just a reminder to please pray about making your gift to this year’s God’s Share Appeal and returning your envelope to the parish so we can keep an accurate count.
Peace, Fr. Fred