From the Pastor:
“The Lord is kind and merciful, slow to anger and rich in compassion,” the words of the Psalmist today are words that we each need to immolate and practice in our daily lives. Wrath and anger towards others causes us to be taken away from God and His divine love, so being kind and merciful draws us closer to God. There is much hatred and anger in our world, we see evidence of it all around, it is what causes so much unrest and violence. Look into your hearts and bring forth the love God has placed within you to the forefront, asking God to take any anger or harsh feelings for others out of you. This is the generosity of God towards all His people in showing forth His love and compassion for us, creating each of us to be equal in His sight. Let us strive to be as loving and forgiving as God is towards us.
The annual God’s Share Appeal is this weekend, so please make sure you return your donation envelope to the parish office as soon as possible. The goal is that all households will participate in some way, all gifts are important in working together for God’s people in our Diocese, so be a grateful giver back to God.
Fr. Fred