God is so far beyond our fnite ways of understanding for the depth of His riches or wisdom or knowledge surpasses everything we can ever truly know. That is why St. Paul tells us, “For from Him and through Him and for Him are all things and to Him be all glory forever.” With our minds and our hearts flled with faith we come to know this, but this knowledge must take deep root inside of our being. Jesus in asking His disciples who people say that He is or even of them, is a direct challenge for each of us, to ponder who Jesus is in our very lives. Is the Son of God, Jesus, a companion and friend, that we know loves and cares for us or is He just someone that challenges our lives with too many dificult things to try and follow? Pray to the Holy Spirit for the ability and the graces necessary to know Jesus our Savior through His Church and the sacraments so that we will stay close to Jesus all the days of our life. The food for the journey is the fesh and blood of Jesus Christ, raising us up on the last day to eternal life with Him.