The Church begins its solemn celebrations of Holy Week, as on this Palm Sunday, Jesus is celebrated as king arriving in Jerusalem and to be quickly arrested and put to death. The sufering servant from the Prophet Isaiah points toward Jesus and His time of sufering and beating before His death, while St. Paul reminds us of how Jesus pours Himself out to the point of death, all in order to bring the glory of God to His people. The reading of the Passion places everyone gathered in the church building as participants of all that takes place in regards to Jesus celebrating the Passover with His disciples, being arrested in the garden and taken to prison to be scourged and lef to carry the cross to Calvary. I pray you will enter into this Holy Week contemplating all that Jesus has done for you and how it allows us a chance for a new life with Him in the glory of the kingdom of heaven. Consider participating in the other celebrations this week: Holy Thursday evening Mass, Good Friday, and the Easter Vigil, the Holy Triduum.
In the Diocese of Bismarck, the Chrism Mass, where the bishop blesses the new oils for sacramental use, takes place on Monday morning at the Cathedral, all are welcome to attend. Prepare yourself to enter into Easter and the celebration of Christ’s Resurrection.