The Psalmist speaks of how blessed are those who fear the Lord. Fear of the Lord is a gift of the Holy Spirit that each of us receives through our Confirmation. It is not being afraid of God but being fearful that we will not live in the right way and offend God and then not achieve the Kingdom He has prepared for us. It is through Baptism and Confirmation and the celebration of the other Sacraments that we remain children of the light and of day and stay away from the darkness of sin and despair. Living in the love of God provides us the ability to live in that love and use that love to assist one another in getting to the Kingdom of Heaven. We have all been given the gifts in the measure we need in order to achieve this goal. But if we bury those gifts or talents or do not use them, then they gain us nothing. But if we use them wisely and share them then they will be all we need and we will indeed reach the reward we are striving for, life eternal with God. Let us be grateful to God for the gifts He has given us, as they are all we each need to see God face to face in the glory of heaven. Peace and Blessings, Fr. Fred