In our Diocese, we celebrate the Lord Jesus’ Ascension back into heaven today. Jesus’ return to the righthand of the Father is not Him abandoning us but for preparing to send the third person of the Trinity to us, the Holy Spirit. The heavens open and Jesus is lifed up into the clouds and returns to the Father. His sufering and death and rising from the dead has accomplished what the Father desired for His people. Jesus has conquered sin and death and has renewed all life through Him. Jesus now leads His Church from His throne in heaven. May the Spirit of wisdom and revelation deepen our understanding of God’s great love, opening the eyes of our hearts to recognize the movements of God in our midst each day. The fnal action of Jesus before being lifed up into heaven, was to give the great commission to His disciples and to all the baptized: To go therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to observe God’s commandments. May we never be afraid to share our faith and proclaim the goodness of God.
Congratulations and blessings to all of our parish’s graduates, may God fll you with everything you need.