Jesus reminds us that He is the way, the truth, and the life and that by being obedient to His voice and following Him we will indeed find true happiness, as we stay close to Him. Jesus calls us to do great works for Him, as He is always there to assist us in doing these acts of kindness and love. It is in believing in Jesus and allowing Him into our hearts that we find our way. Jesus is the one that makes us a “chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people of His own.” Having faith in God is the way to not having our hearts being troubled but alert and ready to do whatever God is asking of us.
As we resume public Mass and gathering to worship our God, may we never be far from Him. God has always been with us through this pandemic, so may we now long all the more for the Holy Eucharist, which nourishes and strengthens us, filling us with all that we need to carry out the works of sharing His love.
A blessed Mother’s Day to all the mothers, may God give you all that you need each day!!