The Prophet Isaiah reminds us that God knows all of BAPTISM our thoughts and the works we do. He sent the prophets of old out into the world to teach them of God’s goodness and His care for all His people everywhere. When Jesus came proclaiming the kingdom of God, through His words and actions, He was bringing the same message as the prophets. Jesus was showing the people and us the narrow gate we are to strive to get through. The gate leading us to eternal glory with Him. It is on the narrow path that we, the disciples and followers of Jesus, grow in holiness. And just as any loving Father would do, God the Father disciplines us along that pathway, helping us to stay close to Him and going in the right direction. We may not like the disciplining, but God does know what is best for us and so we just need to be aware of this loving care for us. For at the end of our time, we do not want to hear Jesus say to us, that He does not know who we are!