Today our parish celebrates with great joy our patron, Jesus Christ our King!! The vision described in the passage from the Book of Daniel, clearly tells us of the one like a Son coming before the Ancient One and as He is presented; He receives dominion, glory, and kingship; of all peoples and nations and this kingship shall not be destroyed. This should fill us with great joy and endless hope, that Jesus is our Lord and King but one who is loving, forgiving, merciful, and brings us peace. The Book of Revelation states that Jesus Christ as our Lord is the Alpha and the Omega, the one who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty. In Jesus’ exchange with Pilate, who is trying to find out if Jesus is a king, Jesus tells Pilate that His kingdom is not here. Pilate concludes then that Jesus is a King and Jesus simply states that it is you, Pilate, that say I am a king. Jesus then says He has come to testify to the Truth and that everyone who belongs to the truth listens to His voice. May we truly listen to that voice of truth, Jesus Christ, our Lord and King, as He desires to lead us to the glory of the eternal Kingdom! As our nation celebrates Thanksgiving this week, may we all have very grateful hearts for the abundant blessings, gifts, and graces that God the Father, through His Son, Jesus, has bestowed upon us in our daily lives.