Jesus continues to use parables to teach His disciples and us, and like the disciples we do not always understand what He is trying to teach, so Jesus has to explain the parable to us! Jesus likes to also use in His teaching objects or things that are familiar to the listener, such as sowing seed in a field or weeds. As Jesus says, the sower is Himself and the field is the world and all of us in that world. Jesus only plants good seed into our hearts but the society and the evil one like to harm or plant bad seed to distract or take us away from Jesus. If we get too caught up in the worldly things and its evil, we soon distance ourselves from the source of all goodness, Jesus Christ. Sometimes finding our way back close to Jesus is difficult, as we have fallen into grave sins and need to be reconciled but we don’t want to admit our sins to anyone. But Jesus continues to prod us with His grace and our hearts finally open to Him and we receive the gift of forgiveness and are once again strengthened to fight off the temptations of the evil one. God’s love is stronger than anything else in this world, all we need to do is to try to draw closer each day to that goodness and God will take care of us and protect us.