Early in the afternoon of Divine Mercy Sunday on the steps of Christ The King Church, the Knights of Columbus, some of their spouses, and other parishioners prayed the Rosary for the souls of their Brother Knights, Cliff Tokach and Bill Schuh.
The photo can be seen at different levels. At face value, here are the KC's praying the Rosary as they so often do for their deceased brothers but doing so in a manner consistent with the physical distancing brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic.
At a deeper level, one could say this photo demonstrates a principle of our Catholic Faith - that no matter the circumstances we find ourselves in and no matter how spread out we may be, we are still one in the Body of Christ.
And through the eyes of our Catholic Faith, this photo shows the beautiful and powerful Communion of Saints in action - those on Earth praying for those who have passed from this life into the next and those who are now in eternity interceding for those who are still on Earth.
Eternal rest grant unto Cliff and Bill, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the Mercy of God, rest in peace.