Today is the beginning of Holy Week, starting with Palm Sunday and Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem where He will endure His sufering and crucifxion and then rise from the dead. The people have come out to welcome Jesus into their city, waving palm branches and proclaiming Jesus as their king. But as we know, their hardened hearts soon have the crowd not cheering for Jesus but shouting for His death. As we read together the Passion narrative from Luke’s Gospel, we all become part of the crowd gathered. When we put ourselves in the scene, what are you feeling inside? Does your heart ache for Jesus, even though we know the good that will come from this horrible scene? Jesus was sent to our world to do the Father’s Will, which included His sufering and death. As we prepare this week to celebrate the glorious joy of the Risen Lord on Easter, as Jesus has conquered sin and death, may we draw ourselves ever deeper into the reality of the paschal mystery and what Jesus has done for you. God the Father has not abandoned His Son nor does He abandon us. It is in our suferings and sorrows that we come to a better understanding of God’s closeness and His love for us, as He helps us grow in holiness. I invite you to actively participate in the beautiful celebrations of the Holy Triduum and then be flled with joy on Easter morning.