In the Gospel today, Jesus is preparing His disciples for the future, that is His suffering and death on a cross. The disciples don’t understand this and we hear how Peter takes Jesus aside and says to Him, that such a thing cannot happen to Jesus, especially if Jesus is the Christ, as Peter had just proclaimed. But Jesus reminds them not to think as humans would but of how God thinks and what He can do. Jesus’ suffering and death are predicted by the Prophet Isaiah and they demonstrate the works that are necessary to live out the faith He has come to proclaim to all people. This is why Jesus tells us to take up our crosses and follow Him, for in doing so out of faith and trusting in Him, we may be brought to eternal life with Him. Having faith is just a single part of the journey we are on with Jesus, we must also act on that faith and do the works that care for our neighbor. Let us be true imitators of Jesus in our daily lives! Peace, Fr. Fred