We hear today, that the Lord has the words of everlasting life. They are the words we just listened to from Exodus, how the Lord made known His commandments to follow, so that we can have life eternal with Him. During the season of Lent there are many opportunities to be reconciled to God, through the Sacrament of Confession. In preparing to go to confession, one should take time to reflect upon the Ten Commandments and see just how one is living them out or not living them fully. By praying with the Commandments, God can reveal to you other things that should be confessed and be forgiven for. Jesus came to show us the Father’s mercy and our sins can be stumbling blocks that get in the way of realizing that mercy. As Jesus goes and cleanses the temple of God of things that are not of God, so too Jesus reminds us that we are temples of the Holy Spirit of God and we too need to be cleansed. Jesus tells the people that the temple, His body, will be destroyed in three days but will rise again, the foretelling promise of His resurrection. Let us listen to the Word Made Flesh and what He wishes to teach us!