What are the treasures you are storing up in life? Are BAPTISM they just the material things of the world that make us feel like we are happy and secure or are you storing up the things that draw us closer to God and His heavenly kingdom? The things of this world may seem nice at the time, but they will not necessarily get us to heaven. Using the blessings that God has bestowed upon us in ways that we just don’t keep them to ourselves but share them, this will lead us closer to the kingdom of heaven. We know not the day or the hour in which God may call us back to Himself and nothing that we have gathered around ourselves will go with us. This is why the heavenly treasures that are bestowed on us are so very valuable. Hardening our hearts to the voice of God in our lives, only takes us in the wrong direction. God speaks to us in varying ways and when our hearts are receptive to listing to that voice, we then will respond in the ways in which God desires. May we always seek what is from above and let us put away or get rid of those things that are just earthly.