A unique celebration for us this Sunday, as we the Church, celebrate the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, body and soul into heaven. How can one not believe in this teaching of our faith? For if God preserved Mary beforehand for her role as the Mother of Jesus, why would not God then grant to Mary the fullness of life for all eternity with her Son, Jesus, in heaven? Mary was ever faithful and obedient to all God asked of her. She endured through much suffering, such as along with her Son’s suffering and journey to death on the cross and the family fleeing from Herod to a foreign land. Mary heard the word of God and observed it throughout her life and thus how very blessed she is! In her role as the mother of Jesus, she became the Mother of the Church, the people of God. For she carried the Son of God in her womb, she was thus the ark of the real covenant that God has given to His people, Jesus. May we too hear the word of God and observe it in our daily lives, as Mary did. Mary our Mother, pray for your children and lead us to the heart of your Son and into eternal glory with you and Jesus. Peace and blessings to all, Fr. Fred