The Church continues its celebration of the Easter season and we listen attentively to the Sacred Scriptures recounting those early days following Jesus’ resurrection and how the believers were struggling to know what they should do. Some disciples even began to return to their original homes and the work they once were doing, feeling somewhat lost without Jesus now in their midst. But Jesus would appear to them and remind them of His continued presence. Like the two disciples on the road to Emmaus, Jesus always reminds us of how the Scriptures told His story of all that would happen and then to have our hearts burn with zeal for His continued presence in our lives for all times. As Jesus shared a meal with the two disciples and repeated the words He spoke to them when He instituted the Holy Eucharist before He died, their eyes we again open and their faith strengthen, fully believing the presence of Christ in their midst and then went and shared the encounter with the other disciples. We, too, share this encounter at ever Mass. Let us pray for our youth who will be receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation this week, may the Holy Spirit give them all they need in order to follow Jesus Christ with all their being. Blessings, Fr. Fred