The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi) is a great celebration of Jesus giving to the world Himself for our spiritual and physical nourishment. It is an opportunity to truly appreciate such a gift, especially when for weeks people around the world were not able to receive the Holy Eucharist. It is in the Real Presence of Jesus that we can not only receive Him but also spend time in Adoration before Him. In those moments of quiet before Jesus Christ we open our hearts and allow Him to bring us His peace and refresh our souls. The physical reception of the Holy Eucharist builds up our strength to endure the challenges we will face in our daily lives, but this then reminds us that we are not alone, that Jesus is indeed there for us and with us. The Eucharist means, giving thanks, so let us today be truly grateful for how God, through His Son, continues to take care of us and show us His love!