Help support our school in the most important way of all- through the power of prayer! It's been a bit since we have had an active parents prayer group, and it's time to get it started again. Because meeting in person weekly can be difficult for some, this semester we will offer prayer each week on our own time, and then meet monthly to pray as a group. Please join us in offering prayer for our students, teachers, staff, and the mission of our school as a whole!
Our goal is to have at least one person praying for the school each day of the week this semester - ideally more than one. Sign up below for the day of the week you will pray for the school this semester - there are 5 available slots for each day right now, but more can be added if needed. When it's your day, you can offer the prayers of your choice - Mass, the rosary, and chaplet of Divine Mercy, etc. The choice is yours!