Stewardship is a way of life and is an opportunity to accept God's invitation to give Him back a portion of what He's given us. Everything we have is from God, it's not ours, we are simply stewards of those gifts that God have given us. All of us have gifts of some type, and different amounts of each. We are all invited to follow Christ. God gives us the free will to choose what and how much of His gifts that we'll give back to Him.
The parish and school of Christ the King is over 60 years old and that means there are a good number of items that the parish has not been able to address through the last several years. The Capital Campaign hopes to garner the most available funding to take care of the list of needed repairs. As a parish family, everyone is being invited to participate in this endeavor to take care of and enhance our “spiritual home.” Read more about our plan in the brochure.